I was born in the year when the Soviet Union was lifted and the two Koreas joined the United Nations simultaneously. 😆

I have been alone when I was young, so I think I was naturally
interested in the surrounding animals and nature.

At this time, I liked to be immersed in something. I studied and raised small creatures. There were many people who thought I was weird.
But good friends were always there for me.

I still like small animals and I like to go on adventures. Bicycles, old buildings, grassy smells, red brick buildings, It brings me back to my childhood.

Я по-прежнему люблю маленьких животных и люблю приключения. Велосипеды, старые дома, травяные запахи, дома из красного кирпича,
Это возвращает меня в детство

Încă iubesc animalele mici și iubesc aventura. Biciclete, case vechi, mirosuri de plante, case din cărămidă roșie, Ei mă ajută să-mi simt copilăria în mod viu.

I used to play piano, observe small animals, and read various books during this time. I haven't been social since then, but it was okay because I had friends who liked me and I think I was the most creative at this time😂

Every moment couldn't be happy.
I had to listen to some kids say I look ugly when I went to a piano contest, and I stopped liking taking pictures since then.

And it took quite a long time to realize that freedom of life is precious while raising small creatures.
But the memories of this time still teach me a lot and influence me.🙂

В это время я играл на пианино, наблюдал за мелкими животными и читал разные книги. С тех пор я не был экстравертом.
но это было нормально, потому что у меня были хорошие друзья, которым я нравился, и я думаю, что я был самым креативным в это время😂

Каждое мгновение не может быть счастливым.
Мне пришлось выслушать, как некоторые дети говорят, что я выгляжу некрасиво, когда я пошел на конкурс пианистов, и с тех пор я перестал любить фотографировать.

И потребовалось довольно много времени, чтобы понять, что свобода жизни бесценна при воспитании маленьких существ.
Но воспоминания об этом времени до сих пор многому меня учат и влияют на меня.🙂

În copilărie, îmi plăcea să cânt la pian, să studiez animalele mici și să citesc diverse cărți.

Nu am socializat prea mult, dar mi-a plăcut să am colegi care mă plăceau.
Și cred că această copilărie a fost cea mai creativă😂

Copilăria asta nu a fost întotdeauna fericită.

Unii copii au spus că eram urâtă când am fost la un concurs de pian. Am început să am un complex de aspect. Și probabil că nu ți-a plăcut să faci poze de atunci.

Și în timp ce cresc creaturi mici, mi-a luat destul de mult timp să realizez libertatea vieții și valoarea vieții.
Dar amintirile din acea vreme încă mă învață și mă influențează foarte mult.

I still like to play musical instruments and enjoy museums and artworks.
Adolescence 😱

A lot of things happened, and it was the time that influenced me the most and left me with a lot of thoughts that have been going on.

I think these were complicated times for everyone.
I fell in love for the first time, lost many things, but I made many memories and learned a lot.

Obviously, that moment was sometimes precarious and hopeless for me, but it was a happy and special day. So now I miss those days and they are precious.

In the army, I realized that I was quite coward, and I thought I should overcome my fears one by one.

My legs trembled because I was so scared when I first shot.
Shooting is my hobby now.

I almost cried while bungee jumping because I was afraid of heights.
I will try skydiving in 2023.

I liked camping and dancing in the club.

В армии я понял, Я понял, что был трусом., и думал, что должен преодолевать свои страхи один за другим.

Мои ноги дрожали, потому что я был так напуган, когда я впервые выстрелил.
Стрельба теперь мое хобби.

Я чуть не заплакал во время прыжка с тарзанки, потому что боялся высоты.
Я попытаюсь прыгнуть с парашютом в 2023 году.

Мне нравились кемпинги и танцы в клубе.

În armată, mi-am dat seama că sunt destul de timid și m-am gândit că ar trebui să-mi înving temerile una câte una.

Prima dată când am tras cu pușca, am fost atât de speriat încât picioarele îmi tremurau.
Tragerea cu pușca este acum hobby-ul meu.

Aproape că am plâns în timp ce făceam bungee jumping pentru că îmi era frică de înălțimi.
Voi încerca să fac cu parașutism în 2023.

Mi-a plăcut campingul și dansul în club.

Good bye my 20s 🔥

I was really bad at studying.
But I think a lot of good opportunities came to me.

I had the best love and the best trip.
I didn't have a good job, but it was enough to go on a trip.
And now I'm making a new dream.

I realized that I can't get close to everyone in society
On the other hand, I also realized that even people who don't seem to fit me can make friends with the best colleagues.
Everyone lives with the universe in their hearts.
Thank you for making me the most wonderful person.
and you were the best for me.😄
As I traveled and learned the language little by little, I overcame many prejudices.

Thanks to good people, I opened my heart.
I was used to being alone, but at this time, I began to share my dreams with many people and find joy together.

Sharing a dream together, drawing a pleasant future - I didn't learn them myself.

По мере того, как я путешествовал и мало-помалу изучал язык, я преодолел множество предубеждений.

Благодаря хорошим людям я открыла свое сердце.
Я привык быть один, но в это время я начал делиться своими мечтами со многими людьми и вместе находить радость.

Вместе мечтать, рисовать приятное будущее — я не сам этому научился.

Pe măsură ce am călătorit și am învățat limba încetul cu încetul, am depășit multe prejudecăți.

Datorită oamenilor buni, mi-am deschis inima.
Eram obișnuită să fiu singură, dar în acest moment, am început să-mi împărtășesc visele cu mulți oameni și să găsesc bucuria împreună.

Făcând vise fericite împreună, creând amintiri împreună - Nu am învățat-o singură.

30s - God has raised the level of difficulty of my life a little.😂

War and disease have cost me all my fortune💰💥😭, but I'm not dead yet. It's okay. We can start over.

It feels like the difficulty of life has increased a little.
I'll be new and mature.

I quit being a bank guard.
I have a lot of memories there, but I'll start anew.

Nothing lasts forever, but we'll be reborn every time.
But I won't forget you in the next world too.

By the time I'm in my 40s, I believe that I will work abroad. I want to continue traveling and have a stable job. And I want to develop a new dream with my family, not alone anymore. 😄

Life history